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Geitoneura klugii at Bundanoon, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Vanessa itea at Bundanoon, NSW - 15 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Calolampra sp. (genus) (Bark cockroach) at Penrose, NSW - 14 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Penrose, NSW - 7 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Helicoverpa punctigera (Native Budworm) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Hypoperigea tonsa (A noctuid moth) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Agrotis munda (Brown Cutworm) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Mimaglossa nauplialis and habitalis at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Chrysodeixis argentifera (Tobacco Looper) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Plesiochrysa ramburi (A Green Lacewing) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Netelia sp. (genus) (An Ichneumon wasp) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Scopula rubraria (Reddish Wave, Plantain Moth) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Uresiphita ornithopteralis (Tree Lucerne Moth) at Penrose, NSW - 6 Sep 2024 by Aussiegall
Melanodes anthracitaria (Black Geometrid) at Penrose, NSW - 26 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Panacela sp. (Bag Shelter Moth) at Penrose, NSW - 24 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Lepidoptera unclassified IMMATURE moth at Penrose, NSW - 24 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Penrose, NSW - 24 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Anax papuensis (Australian Emperor) at Bundanoon, NSW - 24 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Ardices curvata (Crimson Tiger Moth) at Penrose, NSW - 23 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Leptocybe invasa (Eucalyptus Stem Gall Wasp) at Penrose, NSW - 15 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Thaumetopoeinae (subfamily) (Bag-shelter Moths, Processionary Caterpillars) at Penrose, NSW - 11 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Metura elongatus (Saunders' case moth) at Penrose, NSW - 1 Aug 2024 by Aussiegall
Orgyia anartoides (Painted Apple Moth) at Penrose, NSW - 7 Jul 2024 by Aussiegall
Utetheisa pulchelloides (Heliotrope Moth) at Penrose - 26 May 2024 by Aussiegall
Psalidostetha banksiae (Banksia Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 11 May 2024 by Aussiegall
Acrophylla titan at Penrose - 1 May 2024 by Aussiegall
Boreoides subulatus (Wingless Soldier Fly) at Penrose, NSW - 30 Apr 2024 by Aussiegall
Oxycanus dirempta (Variable Oxycanus) at Penrose - 29 Apr 2024 by Aussiegall
Agonoscelis rutila (Horehound bug) at Penrose - 7 Apr 2024 by Aussiegall
Papilio aegeus (Orchard Swallowtail, Large Citrus Butterfly) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 16 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Acraea andromacha (Glasswing) at Penrose - 16 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 16 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Danaus petilia (Lesser wanderer) at Penrose - 11 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Ectropis excursaria (Common Bark Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 8 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Hednota species near grammellus (Pyralid or snout moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 6 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Ischnurges illustralis (A Crambid moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 6 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Porismus strigatus (Pied Lacewing) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 6 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Pseudomantis albofimbriata at Penrose - 4 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Grammodes oculicola (Small-eyed Box-Owlet) at Penrose - 4 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Doratifera quadriguttata (Four-spotted Cup Moth) at Penrose - 3 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Papilio aegeus (Orchard Swallowtail, Large Citrus Butterfly) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 3 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Delias aganippe (Spotted Jezebel) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 3 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Utetheisa pulchelloides (Heliotrope Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 3 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Heteronympha paradelpha (Spotted Brown) at Berrima River Reserve - 2 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Hippotion scrofa (Coprosma Hawk Moth) at Bundanoon - 1 Mar 2024 by Aussiegall
Inopus rubriceps (Sugarcane Soldier Fly) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 27 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Hecatesia fenestrata (Common Whistling Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 25 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Jalmenus evagoras (Imperial Hairstreak) at Bundanoon - 17 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Tisiphone abeona (Varied Sword-grass Brown) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 17 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Tisiphone abeona (Varied Sword-grass Brown) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 16 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Eutrichopidia latinus (Yellow-banded Day-moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 16 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Phalaenoides glycinae (Grapevine Moth) at Penrose - 16 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Orthodera ministralis (Green Mantid) at Penrose - 12 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Papilio aegeus (Orchard Swallowtail, Large Citrus Butterfly) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 11 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Penrose - 9 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Hecatesia fenestrata (Common Whistling Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 7 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Elhamma australasiae (Elhamma) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 5 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Danaus plexippus (Monarch) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 4 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Neumichtis nigerrima (Black Turnip Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Idaea halmaea at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Halone sejuncta (Variable Halone) at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Tipanaea patulella (A Crambid moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Carabidae sp. (family) (A ground beetle) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Mesodina halyzia at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Trapezites symmomus (Splendid Ochre) at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Eutrichopidia latinus (Yellow-banded Day-moth) at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Dispar compacta (Barred Skipper) at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Trapezites praxedes (Southern Silver Ochre) at Penrose - 1 Feb 2024 by Aussiegall
Neorrhina punctata (Spotted flower chafer) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 31 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Ocybadistes walkeri (Green Grass-dart) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 29 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Acraea andromacha (Glasswing) at Penrose - 29 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Delias harpalyce (Imperial Jezebel) at Penrose - 29 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Orthodera ministralis (Green Mantid) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 28 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Epicoma (genus) at Penrose - 28 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Unidentified Antlion (Myrmeleontidae) at Penrose - 27 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Trapezites symmomus (Splendid Ochre) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 25 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Elhamma australasiae (Elhamma) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 25 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Geitoneura acantha (Ringed Xenica) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 24 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Asura cervicalis (Spotted Lichen Moth) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 24 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Plesiochrysa ramburi (A Green Lacewing) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Nymphes myrmeleonoides (Blue eyes lacewing) at Penrose - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Coccinella transversalis (Transverse Ladybird) at Penrose - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Doratifera quadriguttata (Four-spotted Cup Moth) at Penrose - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Goniaea opomaloides (Mimetic Gumleaf Grasshopper) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Ceraon sp. (genus) (2-horned tree hopper) at Penrose - 21 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Caedicia simplex (Common Garden Katydid) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 20 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Graphium macleayanum (Macleay's Swallowtail) at Penrose - 18 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Delias aganippe (Spotted Jezebel) at Penrose - 18 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Ommatius coeraebus at Penrose - 17 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Horcinia varians (An assassin bug) at Penrose - 12 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Orthetrum caledonicum (Blue Skimmer) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 11 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Trapezites praxedes (Southern Silver Ochre) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 11 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Asilidae (family) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 10 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Anostostoma opacum (Giant King Cricket) at Penrose - 10 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Hypobapta (genus) (A Geometer moth) at Penrose - 9 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Anthela ferruginosa at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 8 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Spectrotrota fimbrialis (A Pyralid moth) at Penrose - 8 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Elhamma australasiae (Elhamma) at Wingecarribee Local Government Area - 6 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Hippodamia variegata (Spotted Amber Ladybird) at Penrose - 5 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Penrose - 5 Jan 2024 by Aussiegall

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