Hi Southern Highlands NatureMaprs - I've recently created a collection called "Road Kill" in the hope of identifying roadkill hotspots in our area so that we'll have some leverage if we want something...
iOS Version 5.0.5 available & Platform-wide update
NatureMapr at Global Nature Positive Summit on 9 Oct
Android 5.0.4 app AVAILABLE NOW
"Missing location" known issue on Android 5.0.3 mobile app
Stylidium laricifolium at Appin, NSW
Stylidium laricifolium at Appin, NSW
Hadronyche sp. (genus) at Woodlands, NSW
Arbanitis sp. (genus) at Berrima, NSW
Tamopsis sp. (genus) at Mittagong, NSW
Opisthoncus sp. (genus) at Mittagong, NSW
Idiopidae (family) at Penrose, NSW
Hemibela (genus) at Braemar, NSW