Coloration- Yellowish green to bright green with a yellow mid-dorsal stripe. Face pale, except for (usually) a nledially divided black or brown streak along anterior border of frons. Vertex with narrow reddish brown crescents diverging from inner margin of scapes; more pronounced dark crescents, sometimes almost parallel, sometimes forming an interrupted circle around central vertex; no interantennal spot. Scape usually with narrow black dorsal streak along apical half of outer side, and fragmented inner dorsal line; pedicel with outer dark line. Palpi pale or slightly darkened. Pronotunl with characteristic black markings (Figs 369, 370): an interrupted transverse line behind centre, and diagonal black lines from near outer ends of this to near posterior angles; usually a faint lateral transverse mark near anterior; lateral regions generally somewhat darkened. Pterothorax unmarked or with small lateral black spots. Wings (Figs 367, 368) with pterostigma very pale green, otherwise unmarked; longitudinal veins green; crossveins, including gradates, mainly black in forewing; most hindwing crossveins pale. Legs and abdomen pale; sometimes small black marks on dorsum of abdomen.
A Revision of Australian Chrysopidae, T R New (1980)
Plesiochrysa ramburi is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Greater Sydney | Barwon South West
Penrose Wingecarribee Local Government AreaPlaces
Penrose, NSW