Lycoperdon sp.
Trametes coccinea
Unidentified Fungus
Laetiporus sulphureus
Stereum sp.
Unidentified Shelf-like to hoof-like & usually on wood
Uromycladium murphyi
Scleroderma sp.
Ramaria sp.
Cortinarius sp.
Unidentified Cap on a stem; pores below cap [boletes & stemmed polypores]
Unidentified Cap on a stem; gills below cap [mushrooms or mushroom-like]
Ramaria capitata ochraceosalmonicolor
Chromelosporium/Ostracoderma sp.
Cortinarius archeri s.l.
Omphalotus nidiformis
Trametes versicolor
Unidentified Coralloid fungus, markedly branched
Inocybe sp.
Lactarius deliciosus
Laetiporus portentosus
Mycena sp.
Laccaria sp.
Gymnopilus junonius
Ramaria anziana
Unidentified Bolete - Fleshy texture, stem central (more-or-less)
Parasola sp. (genus)
Bolete sp.
Collybia eucalyptorum
Pleurotus sp.
Unidentified Other fungi on wood
Clavulina sp.
Unidentified Cap, gills below, no stem & usually on wood [stemless mushrooms & the like]
Unidentified Cap on a stem; none of the above
Unidentified Other non-black fungi
Unidentified Furry, white or greyish upper surface
Ramaria filicicola
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